Peoplesoft Awe Training

Peoplesoft Technical Interview Questions And Answers. If you are looking for technical interview questions on Peoplesoft, then you are at right place. Here Coding compiler presenting a list of 25 Peoplesoft Technical Interview Questions. We hope that these questions will help you to crack your next Peoplesoft job interview. All the best for your future and happy learning.

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PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions

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  • Both of the Above 2 approach I’ve tested, the result is that at the very first time the Requestor in Step 0 to submit the AWE Request, the AWE initialization logic is to do a loop up from the very beginning to the end of the approval chain, and identify all the potential approvers in each Stage/Path/Step.

This all-digital, in-depth Oracle Peoplesoft training is designed for end users, implementation team members, configuration consultants, implementation consultants, functional implementers, application developers, business analysts, integration specialists, project managers, reports developers, system administrators, and managers. This series of 'Advanced Technique' articles takes you beyond what you have already learned from your Global Payroll Training Course Orphan Rows in AWE The Approval Workflow Engine for PeopleSoft.

  1. What is the difference between Application Engine vs SQR?
  2. What is the difference between Exit(1) and Exit(0)?
  3. What is the order of people code events firing?
  4. What is the difference between FieldChange Event and FieldEdit Event?
  5. What is the difference between PostBuild Event and PreBuild Event?
  6. Describe RowInit Event?
  7. Explain SaveEdit Event in PeopleCode?
  8. What is the difference between SavePrechange and SavePostchange Events?
  9. What is the difference between SaveEdit and Fieldedit?
  10. What is the component processor?

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions And Answers

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 1

In PeopleSoft we extensively use both App engines and SQRs. In many cases, we can get an App engine to perform the same tasks that an SQR does. In certain other cases, this is not possible. Can you compare and contrast between Application Engine and SQR.

Answer # Application Engine vs SQR

The differences between Application engine and SQR are

1. Restartability:

AE : Application Engines are Restartable from the point where they had failed.
SQR: But SQRs are not Restartable. We will have to run them from first… i mean rerun.

2. Encapsulation:

AE: Can use Application packages, thus bringing in encapsulation and other object oriented programming concepts.
SQR: Code is not encapsulated, we will not be able to use App Packages but SQCs serve the purpose to an extent.

3. Reporting:

AE: Later versions of people tools enable AE to create reports with help of XMLP
SQR: Easy Report Creation with enhanced printing

4. Debugger:

AE: It has a built-in debugger
SQR: Lacks built-in debugger but we can make use of the “debug”.

5. Viewability:

AE:Can view only one block of code at a time
SQR:Can view the entire program at once

6. Use of Message Catalog

AE:Can use Message Catalogs which can be passed on easily through log messages action.
SQR:Cannot use Message Catalogs, it only has to access the message catalog meta table to fetch messages

7.Invoking the process via PeopleCode

AE:Can be called from People code [CallAppEng, create process request]
SQR:Can be called from People code [ create process request]

8. Parallel Processing:

Peoplesoft Awe Training

AE:Parallel processing with help of temp tables for optimization
SQR:Load Lookup is used for optimization

9. Meta Data:

AE:Has Meta SQL like %selectinit , %updatestats
SQR:Lacks Meta SQL support

10.About the Tool:

AE:A PeopleSoft tool [Acquired by oracle]
SQR:A Hyperion tool [Acquired by oracle]

11.Data Dictionary:

AE: Data Dictionary Integration [Data Dictionary Integration is nothing but the synchronization of the definition changes like field name, length with those definitions in the AE program. This is possible because of AE resides within PeopleSoft database]
SQR: Not possible

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 2

In an App Engine PeopleCode, it’s not uncommon to see code that works on the following logic. You have a condition and if it’s TRUE, you want Exit(1) to execute.

If the condition is FALSE, you would like Exit(0) to execute.
Depending on the way in which you have designed the App Engine, this can completely change its flow.

Can you explain what is the difference between Exit(1) and Exit(0)?

Answer # Any non-zero return code is some kind of error. The way it will be handled depends on “On Return” value for each step of application engine.

So exit(0) – is success

exit(1) and On Return = Abort – is error and exit program immediately
exit(1) and On Return = Break – is exit current step and section
exit(1) and On Return = Skip Step – exits current step, continue with next step

Exit(1) : Terminate the AE immediately and rollback all DB changes made
exit(0) : Terminate the AE immediately but will not rollback the DB changes made.


PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 3

We use a State Record to keep data accessible across Actions. We can have many State Records for an App Engine. Do you know if we can have an App Engine that does not have a State Record?

Peoplesoft Awe Training Job

Answer # Yes. We can have an AE without any state record.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 4

In some cases, we would like to take the users directly to the page rather than letting them go through a search page, ie; we would like to bypass the search page in a Component. How would you achieve this?

Answer # We can skip the search record using these 2 ways.
1. Search record should not have any search keys like INSTALLATION table.
2. We can skip search page through peoplecode as well, i.e, Write SetsearchBehavior() function in Search Init event.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 5

It’s common to write PeopleCode that fires only when a Component is accessed in a particular mode. We use a System Variable called %Mode that returns a character based on the present mode and then, use it in a conditional statement to achieve this.

PeopleSoft PeopleCode Technical Interview Questions

Can you list the different modes available in PeopleSoft and the corresponding values that %Mode would return?

Answer # In peoplecode there are 6 types of mode:

Numeric Value Constant Value Description
A %Action_Add Add
U %Action_UpdateDisplay Update/Display
L %Action_UpdateDisplayAll Update/Display All
C %Action_Correction Correction
E %Action_DataEntry Data Entry
P %Action_Prompt Prompt

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 6

You are generating a file from an Application Engine and you need to have the date time stamp appended to the file name. You can do this in numerous ways, can you tell me one of the easiest ways to achieve this?

Answer # This can be done by appending this statement to the filename.

DateTimeToLocalizedString(%Datetime, “ddMMyy-HHmmss”);


PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 7

Order of people code events firing?

Answer #

1. Searchinit
2. Searchsave
3. Rowselect
4. Prebuild
5. Field Default
6. Field Formula
7. RowInit
8. PostBuild
9. Activate
10. FieldEdit
11. FieldChange (PrePopup, ItemSelected)
12. RowInsert
13. RowDelete
14. SaveEdit
15. SavePreChange.
16. WorkFlow
17. SavePostChnage.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 8

What is the difference between FieldChange Event and FieldEdit Event ?

Answer #

FieldChange Event – Use FieldChange PeopleCode to recalculate page field values, change the appearance of page controls, or perform other processing that results from a field change other than data validation. To validate the contents of the field, use the FieldEdit event.
The FieldChange event applies to the field and row that just changed.

FieldChange PeopleCode is often paired with RowInit PeopleCode. In these RowInit/FieldChange pairs, the RowInit PeopleCode checks values in the component and initializes the state or value of page controls accordingly. FieldChange PeopleCode then rechecks the values in the component during page execution and resets the state or value of page controls.

FieldEdit Event – Use FieldEdit PeopleCode to validate the contents of a field, supplementing standard system edits. If the data does not pass the validation, the PeopleCode program should display a message using the Error statement, which redisplays the page, displaying an error message and turning the field red.
FieldEdit PeopleCode can be associated with record fields and component record fields.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 9

What is the difference between PostBuild Event and PreBuild Event ?

Answer #

PostBuild Event – The PostBuild event is initiated after all the other component build events have been initiated. This event is often used to hide or unhide pages. It’s also used to set component variables.

PostBuild PeopleCode is only associated with components.During the PostBuild event you will have access to the data read from the database into the component buffer structure. That’s why it is called PostBuild.

PreBuild Event – The PreBuild event is initiated before the rest of the component build events. This event is often used to hide or unhide pages. It’s also used to set component variables.

PreBuild fires before any PeopleCode events on all the rows and fields in the component such as FieldDefault and RowInit. During the PreBuild event there will not be any data in the component buffer structure other than search record as its executing prior to the component build process. That’s why it is called PreBuild.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 10

Describe RowInit Event ?

Answer # The RowInit event is initiated the first time that the Component Processor encounters a row of data. IUse it to set the initial state of component controls.

This occurs during component build processing and row insert processing. It also occurs after a Select or SelectAll Rowset method, or a ScrollSelect or related function, is executed. RowInit is not triggers PeopleCode on all fields and on all rows in the component buffer.Do not use Error or Warning statements in RowInit PeopleCode: these cause a runtime error.

PeopleCode Technical Interview Questions

Peoplesoft Awe Training

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 11

Explain SaveEdit Event in peoplecode ?

Answer # The SaveEdit event is intiated whenever a user attempts to save the component. You can use SaveEdit PeopleCode to validate the consistency of data in component fields. Whenever a validation involves more than one component field, you should use SaveEdit PeopleCode. If a validation involves only one page field, use FieldEdit PeopleCode. SaveEdit is not field-specific: it triggers associated PeopleCode on every row of data in the component buffers, except rows flagged as deleted.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 12

Difference between SavePrechange and SavePostchange Events.

Answer #

SavePreChange Event -The SavePreChange event is initiated after SaveEdit completes without error.SavePreChange PeopleCode provides one final opportunity to manipulate data before the system updates the database.In Save Prechange we can get the data from Component Buffer for that particular Component.

SavePostChange Event – SavePostChg is different from all other Peoplecode events since it is performed after the updates are made on the database.SavePost change Component Buffer is cleared we have to get data from Database and this is used to update values outside the database.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 13

Difference between SaveEdit and Fieldedit ?

Answer # Fieldedit event is fired every time for each row when field is edited where as
SaveEdit is fired only once when a user click on save button .

Peoplesoft Awe Training Jobs

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 14

What is the component processor?

Answer # Component processor is a runtime engine that controls processing of an application from the time user request the component from the menu till the database is updated and processing of component is completed.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 15

Explain about the component buffer and data buffer?

Answer # Component Buffer contains all the Data of active component. The data buffer is used to store data added from sources other than the component, such as from a PeopleSoft Application Engine program, an application message, and so on.

PeopleTools 8 provides an alternative to the scroll level, row, and field components in the form of the data buffer classes Rowset, Row, Record, and Field, which you reference using dot notation with object methods and properties.

Technical Peoplesoft Interview Questions

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 16

Difference between SQLExec and CreateSql?

Answer # SQLExec can only select a single row of data. If your SQL statement retrieves more than one row of data SQLExec sends only the first row to its output variables. Any subsequent rows are discarded. CreateSQL If you need to SELECT multiple rows of data use the CreateSQL or GetSQL functions and the Fetch SQL class method.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 17

Explain about ACTIVE event?

Answer # The Activate event get fired each page gets activated. Active PeopleCode can only be associated with pages. The event is used for security validations such as field enabling and hiding a scroll, enabling user to programmatically control the display of that page controls. This event is used for component build processing in add mode and update mode.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 18

What is deferred processing?

Answer # Deferred processing is used speed up the data-entry process. This means that the system does not validate the data for each field as you Tab through a page. You can enter in all the data for your page without unnecessary trips to the server for data validation. Entered data is validated when:

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You navigate to another page in the component
Click the Save button
Click the Refresh button (access key: Alt+0)

If there are any errors in your data, you are notified at this time.
Field Edit event will not fire until we press the SAVE button if the deferred processing is ON.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 19

Difference between Getrowset and Createrowset?

Answer # GetRowset is used to get rowset for a record in the component buffer.
CreateRowset is used to create rowset for a record which is in database, and is also called as standalone rowset.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 20

What is scrollflush() function ?

Answer # Used to remove all rows inside target scroll area and frees it associated buffer. Rows that are flushed are not deleted from the database. This function is often used to clear work scroll before a call to ScrollSelect.
Syntax: ScrollFlush (scrollpath)

Frequently Asked PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 21

Explain about the workflow event?

Answer # WorkFlow PeopleCode executes immediately after SavePreChange and before database update that precedes SavePostChange. The main purpose of the workflow event is to segregate PeopleCode related to workflow from the rest of applications PeopleCode. Only PeopleCode related workflow (Such as triggerbusinessevent) should be in workflow programs. Your program should be deal with workflow only after my SavePreChange process completed.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 22

Explain Think-time function?

Answer # Think-time functions suspended processing until the user has taken some actions (such by clicking button in message box), or until external function has run to completion (for example a remote process).
Think-time function hold avoids the following events: SavePreChange, Workflow, RowSelect, SavePostChange.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 23

In which PC events dosave function is useful?

Answer # FieldEdit, FieldChange, or ItemSelected.

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 24

Peoplesoft Awe Configuration

Where does you set the web server cache?

Answer # Webserver file

PeopleSoft Technical Interview Questions # 25

What is the configuration file that contains the entire collection configuration values for a given application server domain?



Last updated on JANUARY 14, 2020

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN Payables - Version 9.1 and later

Peoplesoft Awe Training Classes

Information in this document applies to any platform.


The purpose of this note is to guide the customer towards the successful implementation of the Approval Workflow Engine within Accounts Payable. This note is intended as a supplement to the documentation contained in the PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleBook: Approval Framework.
Please note that the delivered Voucher Approval supports header level approval only.


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In this Document
Approval Framework (AWE) setup for Accounts Payable ---
1. Overview:
a. Definition:
b. Description:

Peoplesoft Awe Training

c. Components:
2. Configuration

Peoplesoft Awe Training Program

a. Register Transactions:
b. Configure Transactions:
c. Approval Process Setup
3. Voucher Approval using AWE
4. Vendor Approval using AWE
5. Documentation and Training

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