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- Intel Dinar Chronicles May 4 2020
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- Intel Dinar Chronicles Tetelestai
- Intel Dinar Chronicles
http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com.au/2017/10/petition-for-canada-to-accept-payment1.html?m=1 Wednesday, October 4, 2017 Petition for Canada to Accept Payment 1-11 of SwissIndo CANADA PLS ACCEPT PAYEMENT 1-11 of SWISSINDO Swissindo Canada
http://swissindo.net/faqs/ https://youtu.be/wNKoeQyMZ0o http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6c8e2d1b0102vtzz.html https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5JKDYWsOQSbei1tX0pIZDh4NzQ/view?pli=1 http://www.godskyearth.org/swissindo.html
http://www.godskyearth.org/uploads/1/4/3/9/14395820/_swissindo_exhibit_ab_global_funds_2013-04-10.pdf Most Respected Sir, Please Consider That : The United Nations Organization in association with SWISSINDO has allocated for each country’s Government, an inheritance Gift to meet The People's basic needs. This will develop a structure of support that will empower everyone into the future. Please find attached the WORLD PRIME MINISTER FINANCE & BANKING; WORLD SOLUTION GIFT OFFER https://app.box.com/s/aw24rucb7yij5a3rqj3qmbu77hk0ldpj along with a letter to world leaders, which is the offer acceptance FORM to be completed and returned. The expiry date of the 17th day of August 2015 coincides with the ending of the RBA print license. This is an opportunity for all to flourish in a world without the lack, hunger, poverty, wars and unsustainable outlooks for economies driven by past deficits and debt. All these negative aspects can be a thing of the past and all it takes is to agree and support the access to abundance and prosperity for all people. This is an evolution of immense proportions. We are grateful to MR.A1.SINO.AS.S”2”.IR. SOEGIHARTONOTONEGORO,ST for this gift and vision of a free humanity. We are also grateful to the Canadian Government for taking the time to consider the offer presented at this momentous point in history. We can now create a world of thriving wellness by the love and honor of its people!!! Now is the Time,.through their creativity and desire for what is best for each and all. The people will remember You, Sir for Your Good Governance and you have their Prosperity at hand. We encourage you to be the World Leader and make the announcements necessary to launch this initiative. People will expect their Leaders to embrace this agreement and as each country signs on and prospers, this voice will grow louder.pls ear the cry of the people suffering in all corner of Our Country Canada, We Trust That You Will See The Outstanding Advantages For All Canadian Alike. To the Public Servants, here is the dream you can realize: to be of service with enormous funding, prosperity can now blossom for all by your hand. Service is now fully resourced. Your service to the people can now begin as intended by our ancestors. This gift to The People of CANADA will establish honesty, integrity and a new era in history. Feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, repairing the environment, improving services and housing for people with disabilities and elderly, along with new jobs in support of the best technology to deliver all these services. Improving essential services, such as these, will restore human dignity and trust along with the lifting of the community spirit that CANADA is renowned for throughout the globe. Your role today is to allow The People to be self-empowered and express their will, to facilitate the unfolding of the full spectrum of human creativity by accepting this generous Gift. May the wellness of the people and Earth guide our way. (as of Now on the 8 march 2017 )At this time we are being prepared for the release of our new gold-backed currency, which will also be announced by NESARA REPUBLIC. The NESARA REPUBLIC announcement must precede the Treasury announcement of our new gold-backed currency. It must be implemented by NESARA REPUBLIC, which means it will be safe. After NESARA REPUBLIC is announced through public media, meaning all TV - Internet - radio - the people, globally, will be given 72 hours of continuous education and announcements. And within seven to ten days of NESARA REPUBLIC's announcement, there will be mass landings.( my note: of Humanoid just like us except they have something like from 5.00 to 50.00 years advancement in Technologies and they do have all the necessary devices to depollute Fukushima Daichi disasters and much more it is time that The People Realize We Have The Power To Clean up The Mess Centuries of Pollution for Greed was the norm but it can't continue,.this time it's over because if we don't act on this now it'll be simply too late the Pacific Ocean is Literally Dying,. we Much All Get together on This.) St Germain's Trust and Global Prosperity Funds will first be released to the US, Canada, and Australia - they will get the money first. And in 14 months, everyone globally will be funded. NESARA was first drawn up for the US. It was originally planned to come out on September 11th 2001 - but this was violently blocked when the twin towers went down. Including Building 7 - also housing NESARA records. A part of the Pentagon, too, was destroyed to take out all reference to NESARA. That's what 9/11 was all about - killing NESARA
and our freedom. Again, 'NESARA-REPUBLIC' - one and the same. They will both be announced at the same time - they are one. Most Sincerely in Gratitude, on this 25 February, 2017 signed: Countess Annick C Wilhem (Canadian of French,German descent) With Love and Deepest Regards for Human Beings on Earth This petition will be delivered to: To The Honorable Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau
Terra Zetzz at 10/04/2017 07:31:00 PM

More Iraqi News Thursday PM 12-10-20
Intel Dinar Chronicles May 4 2020
TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner
The Central Bank And The Association Of Iraqi Private Banks Honor The Top Students In Mosul
Intel Dinar Chronicles Blogger
Banks Economy News – Baghdad Yesterday, Wednesday, the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association of Iraqi Private Banks honored the first students at the Northern Technical University in Mosul, in addition to their support for continuing education for free on the Coursera global platform, coinciding with the day of victory in liberating Iraq from the terrorist organization ISIS.
Intel Dinar Chronicles Tetelestai
The head of the Association of Private Banks, Wadih Al-Handal, said at the honoring ceremony that the Central Bank of Iraq is racing to support society through the distinguished initiatives it provides to develop human resources through training, support culture, and restore Baghdad through rehabilitating important squares and buildings, in addition to its important role in monetary policy It brought down inflation to lower grades.
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